Death Of Me - Life's So Hard Make If Softer (MP3)
Death Of Me - Life's So Hard Make If Softer (MP3)
- Please Please Please
- The Trees
- Heroes
- Following A River
- I Don't Even Know Myself
- Last Train
- Sue The Bible Study Girl
- Resurrection Train
- Demon Shoes
- Don't Whisper
- Saint And Sinner
- Let It Drown
- This Life
- Close Call
- Let It Drown (Reprise)
Death Of Me
Mike Wilkerson: Voice/Guitar
Matt Kjorvestad: Drums
Chris LeRoy: Voice/Guitar/Piano/Bass
Craig "The Saint" Goldsberry: Bass (tracks 2, 6, 12, 15)
Tony Fate: Guitar (track 13)
Bob Vennum: Guitar (track 2)
Josh Holley: Guitar (track 2)
Gary Kjorvestad/Miles LeRoy: Backing vocals (track 15)
Special Guest:
Lisa Kekaula: Vocals on Last Train
Produced by Chris LeRoy and Robert Vennum
Recorded and Mixes Lo-Fi Studios Maria Baglie: Engineer
Mastered by Bob Lanzner@Technovoice Mastering
Graphics Raoul Ranoa/ Additional Lyrics: Gary Kjorvestad
Thanks: Johnny Hickman, David Lowery, MORST, tami, Garod, Steve, Lisa, Big Dave, Jason, Mungo, iamacracker2, Andreas, Tippy Mathieu, Paulette, Robert LeRoy Diaz, Ruth, David Mirabella, Kevin Day, The BellRays, Mz Joey, Aubyn, CC Bonney, Amy, Kory, April, Art and for Christina, Miles and Jordan . . .