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Chris Leroy - “The Spirit That Brings Us Here”
Hello again. I've listened to 'The Spirit That Brings Us Here' a few times and come to share my thoughts. I want to thank Big Dave for recommending it while we were standing at the merchandise table after Fi-Stock. I understand that this is a solo album. You did a great job. As usual, the songs vary in style which keeps things interesting. There are some deep spiritual messages here.
"Happy Man" (Interesting concept having the Devil and an angel teaming up against the happy man. I like the guitar work and the keyboards in this. The keyboards remind me of Bob Dylan.)
"Hurts Me So" (So much emotion. I love the angst in this song as well as guitars and drums. Your vocals and the drums really bring out the emotion. Nice guitar solo.) "The Other Side" (Nice sounding soft song, but the lyrics are very dark. The story sounds like a doomed couple who are in grave danger. I really like the vocal harmonies between you and Lisa Nemetz.)
"So Good" (This one is a nice rocker that has that Garage Rock that I love. Nice guitar work, especially on the solos.) "Stand Down" (This is one of my favorites. I really love the guitars and vocals. The protagonist is told to stand down, but I don't think he will.)
"Years" (Very nice song. Sounds like the person was just found after being lost metaphorically for so long and wrote a song to celebrate. I love the vocal harmonies between you and Lisa Nemetz.)
"Come To Me" (Nice song. Sounds like he is trying to woo the object of his desire. Great vocal harmonies between you and Lisa again. The keyboards also add alot to this song.) "Crawl" (It's about building up the courage to get out of a bad relationship. I really like the vocal effects that are featured about half way through the song and the bass.)
"Peace Breaks Out" (Nice song about turning to peace and away from violence. Many references to John Lennon. I love how you incorporated some of the lyrics from Lennon's "Instant Karma". I really like the drums in this as well as the vocal harmonies.)
"River Rise Above" (Nice soft song. I took it to mean that there are much bigger things in the world than you and me and to go with the flow while we are here. I really like the guitars and vocal harmonies.)
That covers 'The Spirit That Brings Us Here'. I am looking forward to the upcoming Dangers album. Until next time.