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The Dangers - “All Rivers Collide”
Good evening Chris, I've finally had a chance to listen to 'All Rivers Collide' and write out my thoughts. This was a great follow up to 'In Our Room'. I like how the styles are varied again like listening to the radio. This would be a great album to listen to while driving around.
"Maybe I Want You" (Nice opener. Someone really loves their radio. I like the guitar sound on this.) "All Rivers Collide" (Love the guitars and harmonica. Great song to drive around to.) "We All Get Lost Sometimes" (Love the guitars and harmonies. Very nice ballad.)
"Dream For Days" (I love this song. I feel that "Lucky", "Goodnight Starbright", and this one form a trilogy of very emotional Dangers songs about the longing for a love or a lost love. The circumstances in each song is different though. I really like guitars, vocals and keys.)
"Grace" (Uplifting song that is a tribute to Mark Nemetz' daughter, Grace. Mark plays on this one. Really nice guitars and vocals. I also love the addition of Bill Brisoe's fiddle.)
"New Gold Band" (This is a nice and light rock song. I like the guitars and piano and how they play a five note motif that plays each time after the line "Celebrate if you will, The New Gold Band")
"His House Has Many Rooms" (I love this rocker. I especially love the guitars, piano, drums and vocal harmonies on this one. I could see The Rolling Stones covering this.) "Rain Me Silver" (I really like the guitar sound and violin.)
"Girl From Louisiana" (This is a fun song that makes you want to tap your foot and clap along to. Nice harmonica.) "Unfaithful One" (Very fun Rockabilly song. I love the guitar style.) "Tell Me" (Very nice song on the lighter side. Ralph Torres does a great job on vocals.)
"Love Forever" (Great song to close the album. I had to back it up at first when I heard the opening line "I'm happy as a mushroom cloud" to see if I heard that right. I really like all of the extra instruments on this one and the vocal harmonies.)
That pretty much covers 'All Rivers Collide'. I am looking forward to 'The Lonesome Susie Demos' to see how the songs we know started out before evolving into their final form. Until next time.